Cold weather is approaching!
Remove empty supers. Make the space inside the hive match the size of the colony. Check for a laying queen. Check for colony size and combine small ones. Come Spring it is better to have one live colony
than two dead ones.
- Check for honey stores. If your hives are too light, it’s time to start feeding with a vengeance.
- Assure that the honey frames are in the right place. They should be on both sides of the cluster and above it in a Lansgstroth hive. Move frames around if necessary.
- Reduce hive entrances if you haven’t already. It’s time for mice and other small creatures to find a snug and warm overwintering place– one filled with honey is especially attractive.
- Remove weedy vegetation from the base of the hive. Vegetation is a convenient hiding place for creatures who may want to move into the hive, and it can be used like an entrance ramp or step-ladder.
- If you live in a wet area, make sure your lids will keep out the rain. Make any needed repairs now.
- If wintertime moisture is a problem in your hives, add a quilt box above the brood boxes.
- If high winds are a problem, you may consider adding a skirt around the base of your hive to reduce drafts. Although you want adequate ventilation, you don’t want a wind tunnel; secure your lids with heavy stones or tie-downs. You may want to shield upper ventilation holes from sidewinds. Consider providing a windbreak.
- If extreme cold is a problem, consider wrapping your hives with insulation or tar paper...but, again, don’t forget the ventilation.
- If winter flooding is a problem, move the hives to higher ground now while the weather is still dry.
(Reprinted from the Apiary Newsletter from Arkansas State Plant Board, Apiary Newsletter 2017)
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